Thursday, July 30, 2009

Braidloc log #7 Frizzies

The past month has been filled with major FRIZZIES! I would do my hair, either twist or most recently interlock. There was a cloud of frizzies, or as some one say a halo of frizzies, that extended from my front edges through to the kitchen of my hair. According to the many resources I've exhausted during my journey, the frizzies are a part of the process, and they are important. For whatever reason, I was becoming a little frustrated with them......Not to the point of cutting my hair off, but just dealing difficultly with this part of the process.

I then started thinking about what I do sometimes when I'm finished with a rinsing. I take just a small amount of Afroveda's Hemp Seed Loc, Twist, and Roll butter and smooth it throughout my hair. This great butter is made from shea butter, mango seed butter, carnauba wax, coconut oil, Palm Oil, almond oil, and a myriad of other naturally great oils. This was a bit much because I'd have to roll many of them after each rinsing. Just too much! I soon remembered that before I decided to lock, I bought a nice sized container of Ojon Restorative Treatment (ORT). I thought about the ingredients of it being similar in nature to those of the butter. It's primary ingredient is palm nut oil. With that I took a chance and put the ORT on my hair and allowed it to sit for a few minutes. Ok, long story short...............................................

My hair ended up still being somewhat frizzy, but there was a very clear difference. It just looked kind-of normal....not like my hair was unkempt. I suppose it would be more cost effective if I just used the butter since the ORT is so expensive. For right now, I'm enjoying my results.


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